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Everything You Should Know About Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI)

Ever since the arrival of COVID-19, most events have occurred online due to social distancing regulations. During this time, all businesses, including translation agencies, have learned to adapt quickly to technology.

Consequently, translation agencies have been working remotely to support their clients in holding events and meetings remotely, thus offering more flexibility. Done right, remote simultaneous interpretation (RSI) can help convert your multilingual events and increase sales.

Not sure whether your business requires RSI? Here’s an overview:

A Quick Glance at Remote Simultaneous Interpretation

Simultaneous interpretation refers to interpreting a person’s words from one language to another while they speak. Typically, an interpreter must think fast and in two different languages in order to accurately interpret words in real-time.

Historically, simultaneous interpreting has involved onsite meetings, distribution of wireless headsets and receivers, and soundproof booths. Remote simultaneous interpretation eliminates the hassle of onsite interpreting with cloud-based technology.

Understanding How RSI Works

Here’s a quick rundown of how RSI works:

  • Speaker – A person speaks in a particular language. They stream their voice and video image via a RSI platform using proper equipment.
  • Interpreter – The interpreter receives the speaker’s voice and video image on their device. Remember, an interpreter must use a high-quality equipment and good broadband internet in order to translate quickly and accurately.
  • what they bring to the market is sophisticated cloud-based technology; thus recreating
  • RSI Platform – A sophisticated cloud-based technology, recreates the traditional conference setting remotely. This platform transmits the interpreter’s words in real-time.
  • Audience- Participants connect globally to the RSI platform to see and hear the presenter/interpreter speaking in a particular language.
  • Hybrid event – A hybrid event uses a combination of in-person and digital elements tailored to each audience. In this scenario, you can also use RSI for the above-mentioned advantages.
What are the Pros of Remote Simultaneous Interpretation?

Let’s discuss the top benefits of remote simultaneous interpretation:

Increased Flexibility

RSI enables businesses to arrange conferences and meetings at short notice. It also ensures you can offer high-quality interpreting and translating services anytime.

Enhanced Productivity & Connection with the Topic

RSI helps remove language barriers, which in turn significantly increases productivity and brand trust. Participants won’t need to struggle to understand. Studies show that the level of comprehension is higher when listening to a presentation in the native language. In addition, the message is better conveyed because it connects with the audience on an emotional level.

Moreover, it allows participants to express themselves more confidently by speaking in their native language.

Reduced Costs

Leveraging an innovative RSI platform can help reduce the costs associated with interpretation. Research shows that using an RSI platform can decrease costs by at least 50%.

Time Saved

RSI eliminates time and costs spent organizing, arranging event venues and setup.

More Space

Since interpreters will connect remotely, you will not need soundproof booths. For hybrid events —in-person events with RSI— you would have valuable space that can be used to add more seats in the conference room.

Moreover, event organizers can provide more languages to the audience since there is no room limit and they don’t have to take into consideration the booth and equipment size.


As remote events do not limit the number of participants or languages, your conference can be scaled and be as large and as multilingual as you would like it to be.  

More Environmentally Friendly 

RSI reduces pollution and is better for the environment as it allows its interpreters to work remotely, eliminating the long-distance trips to offer services.

Enhanced Efficiency

RSI enables businesses to provide customers with multiple languages at any virtual event. This means that the listener can enjoy watching the event in their preferred language.

Plus, RSI requires the speakers and interpreters to have a good connection, proper software and hardware, and an effective noise-canceling microphone.

Expanding Your Audience

One obvious benefit of RSI is that you can conduct sessions anytime and anywhere. Organizations can reach larger audiences and access where they couldn’t before. It is quite convenient for organizational expansion, large teams, sale kick-offs, global training, and multi-national companies with employees in different time zones. 

The Bottom Line

RSI is a revolutionary asset for diverse multilingual events. Combining industry knowledge with state-of-the-art RSI tech and project management can help your upcoming event reach its maximum potential with benefits for all involved. Surely this is a win-win situation.

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